kalabro's user avatar
kalabro's user avatar
kalabro's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
3 votes

Interface translation of custom fields

3 votes

Create a RSS feed of file attachments to a particular node

2 votes

How to redirect a user to the profile of the user they just created

2 votes

Views - create relationship on relationship?

2 votes

Year wise archive of blog using views

2 votes

Client-Side Equivalent of drupal_set_message with javascript

2 votes

How do I execute my custom submission handler before any other submission handler?

2 votes

How do I hide buttons like the "delete" one in a node form?

2 votes

Add role to user after joining organic group with rules

2 votes

Rewrite user edit page url

2 votes

Devel user & decrease number queries

2 votes

Drupal 7: entity field as single/multivalued based on content type

2 votes

modify Drush uli returned URL string of to include port?

2 votes

Translating strings to English from a second language

1 vote

How many times is a view used

1 vote

How do I make the content of one user not accessible to other

1 vote

FAPI #states for multiple selections.

1 vote

fivestar module get count

1 vote

Printing out translated Views' variables

1 vote

Ajax fired when Filefield "Add Another Item" button is clicked conflicts with my jQuery code

1 vote

Is it possible to change the path of modules/themes installed using an installation profile?

1 vote

How can I build a view that shows other nodes that reference the same node the current node references?

1 vote

Create a new page of particular content type and make it home page during drupal installation

1 vote

Where do I add a jQuery UI in Drupal 7?

1 vote

How to create a view that lists one post per user

1 vote

How to display the comment form of a node in a popup?

1 vote

Change Field Order of Content Type in the database

1 vote

How to build a field list in a node?

1 vote

Rules help: After updating existing content

1 vote

Views pagination based on taxonomy terms