Channel Islander's user avatar
Channel Islander's user avatar
Channel Islander's user avatar
Channel Islander
  • Member for 9 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 8 years ago
0 votes

Drupal Commerce: How to prevent (or suspend) checkout where no shipping rate is defined?

0 votes

Any advantage to using Profile2 module vs. custom user account fields?

1 vote

delete profile2 profile from a user

2 votes

After Creating A new User inside RULES, I can not access to UID

1 vote

How to remove 'Main Menu' from my mobile view (using Superfish)?

0 votes

Rules reacting on an event that hasn't happened?

0 votes

How do I add shipping costs to orders?

0 votes

Different product prices per line item options

1 vote

Remove old role once new one purchased

1 vote

Redirect user to checkout if there is a product in cart

0 votes

Rules condition: check for a product with particular value for a field in the cart

1 vote

Why does this rule not appear in the UI and how can I clone it?

0 votes

Why is Rules reacting on Commerce Events multiple times and out of order?

0 votes

How do I turn off the add to cart message from Commerce site using Rules

3 votes

Rule to remove two specific items from commerce cart

0 votes

drupal commerce membership expiration