lukedekker's user avatar
lukedekker's user avatar
lukedekker's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
7 votes

How do I write migrate group files?

6 votes

How to fix a broken or missing block?

4 votes

Saving a field of type 'text_format' as a theme settings variable

2 votes

Setting up an exposed filter to only filter conditionally

2 votes

Reusing view field formatting?

2 votes

Full urls to internal pages logging users out

2 votes

How can I featurise / store changes to a view provided by a module?

2 votes

Site won't display messages

2 votes

Stopping 404 pages when adding get variable to the URL

1 vote

How to give to the users the opportunity to change role as desired

1 vote

How do I fill form elements via onblur events?

1 vote

Why we need different menu item types?

1 vote

How variable_get and variable_set works in drupal

1 vote

Link node 1 to node 2 and create list

1 vote

How to show user profle edit tab as a default tab on user profile page?

1 vote

Add paragraph element programmatically

1 vote

How to make a change that affect several site at once?

1 vote

Book navigation pager is moved under the comments

1 vote

"See Also" section inline node body text

1 vote

How can I limit and show only the first referenced node per node in a view?

1 vote

how to have a different page from the front page?

1 vote

hamburger menu moved after update

1 vote

Top 10 Commenters this Month

0 votes

can I call my entity checkCreateAccess function from custom code?

0 votes

Am I missing a step with using Features?

0 votes

How to limit/throttle speed of Views feed?

0 votes

How can the author choose when to publish an article, whether the article gets a teaser or not?

0 votes

How exactly does a View Preview differ from what is rendered on a page/block?

0 votes

Create a block with information regarding the number of comments and contents created in a specific group

0 votes

How to allow the setting of the Views Exposed Filters one at a time, instead of showing all available exposed filters at once