You can do this on the server side with a Views field tpl.php
file, or on the client side with jQuery.
For the server side method, go to your view edit -> Advaced -> Theme:Information -> chose your field
you need to create a one template file (in your theme/templates folder):
For example: if your field name is title you will see something similar to this:
Field Content: Title (ID: title): - click on it and cope the code
views-view-field--YOURVIEWNAME--page--title.tpl.php -paste it here
Now you have 3 variables to play with
* - $field: The field handler object that can process the input
* - $row: The raw SQL result that can be used
* - $output: The processed output that will normally be used.
Easy way - do it with str_replace
function :D
<?php $output = str_replace('<a', '<a class="someclass"', $output); ?>
<?php print $output; ?>
Also you can play around with($row)
and create your own output. To easy development install devel module so you can dpm($row)
and see what it contains. or you can print_r($row)
. have fun <3
Fastest way to do this with jQuery you can simple add class to your fields
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.your-views-class-name .your-view-field a').addClass('someclass');
open firebug(int firefox) and find your view class name and field class name which contains anchor tag
and add class to it. You can do this in YOURTHEME - scripts.js or any other js file you want.