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After indexing the items aren't visible on the page. The index does work, but after refreshing the page, the indexed items aren't shown on the page.

View index > Queue all items for reindexing > Index now > {the indexing operation works but the items don't show}

I installed the facet api and search api again, but nothing changes.

Warning messages in solr:

XML parse warning in "solrres:/schema.xml",​ line 537,​ column 89: Include operation failed,​ reverting to fallback. Resource error reading file as XML (href='schema_extra_fields.xml'). Reason: Can't find resource 'schema_extra_fields.xml' in classpath or '/Users/Gilles{namePC}/Desktop/solr-4.10.2/drupal-search/solr/collection1/conf'

Multiple requestHandler registered to the same name: /update ignoring: org.apache.solr.handler.UpdateRequestHandler

[collection1] PERFORMANCE WARNING: Overlapping onDeckSearchers=2

I'm using a solr server. Does anyone know what the problem is?

After indexing the items aren't visible on the page. The index does work, but after refreshing the page, the indexed items aren't shown on the page.

View index > Queue all items for reindexing > Index now > {the indexing operation works but the items don't show}

I installed the facet api again, but nothing changes.

Warning messages in solr:

XML parse warning in "solrres:/schema.xml",​ line 537,​ column 89: Include operation failed,​ reverting to fallback. Resource error reading file as XML (href='schema_extra_fields.xml'). Reason: Can't find resource 'schema_extra_fields.xml' in classpath or '/Users/Gilles/Desktop/solr-4.10.2/drupal-search/solr/collection1/conf'

Multiple requestHandler registered to the same name: /update ignoring: org.apache.solr.handler.UpdateRequestHandler

[collection1] PERFORMANCE WARNING: Overlapping onDeckSearchers=2

I'm using a solr server. Does anyone know what the problem is?

After indexing the items aren't visible on the page. The index does work, but after refreshing the page, the indexed items aren't shown on the page.

View index > Queue all items for reindexing > Index now > {the indexing operation works but the items don't show}

I installed the facet api and search api again, but nothing changes.

Warning messages in solr:

XML parse warning in "solrres:/schema.xml",​ line 537,​ column 89: Include operation failed,​ reverting to fallback. Resource error reading file as XML (href='schema_extra_fields.xml'). Reason: Can't find resource 'schema_extra_fields.xml' in classpath or '/Users/{namePC}/Desktop/solr-4.10.2/drupal-search/solr/collection1/conf'

Multiple requestHandler registered to the same name: /update ignoring: org.apache.solr.handler.UpdateRequestHandler

[collection1] PERFORMANCE WARNING: Overlapping onDeckSearchers=2

I'm using a solr server. Does anyone know what the problem is?

added 57 characters in body
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After indexing the items aren't visible on the page. The index does work, but after refreshing the page, the indexed items aren't shown on the page.

View index > Queue all items for reindexing > Index now > {the indexing operation works but the items don't show}

I installed the facet api again, but nothing changes.

Warning messages in solr:

XML parse warning in "solrres:/schema.xml",​ line 537,​ column 89: Include operation failed,​ reverting to fallback. Resource error reading file as XML (href='schema_extra_fields.xml'). Reason: Can't find resource 'schema_extra_fields.xml' in classpath or '/Users/Gilles/Desktop/solr-4.10.2/drupal-search/solr/collection1/conf'

Multiple requestHandler registered to the same name: /update ignoring: org.apache.solr.handler.UpdateRequestHandler

[collection1] PERFORMANCE WARNING: Overlapping onDeckSearchers=2

I'm using a solr server. Does anyone know what the problem is?

After indexing the items aren't visible on the page. The index does work, but after refreshing the page, the indexed items aren't shown on the page.

View index > Queue all items for reindexing > Index now > {the indexing operation works but the items don't show}

I'm using a solr server. Does anyone know what the problem is?

After indexing the items aren't visible on the page. The index does work, but after refreshing the page, the indexed items aren't shown on the page.

View index > Queue all items for reindexing > Index now > {the indexing operation works but the items don't show}

I installed the facet api again, but nothing changes.

Warning messages in solr:

XML parse warning in "solrres:/schema.xml",​ line 537,​ column 89: Include operation failed,​ reverting to fallback. Resource error reading file as XML (href='schema_extra_fields.xml'). Reason: Can't find resource 'schema_extra_fields.xml' in classpath or '/Users/Gilles/Desktop/solr-4.10.2/drupal-search/solr/collection1/conf'

Multiple requestHandler registered to the same name: /update ignoring: org.apache.solr.handler.UpdateRequestHandler

[collection1] PERFORMANCE WARNING: Overlapping onDeckSearchers=2

I'm using a solr server. Does anyone know what the problem is?

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After indexing items are not visible, solr server

After indexing the items aren't visible on the page. The index does work, but after refreshing the page, the indexed items aren't shown on the page.

View index > Queue all items for reindexing > Index now > {the indexing operation works but the items don't show}

I'm using a solr server. Does anyone know what the problem is?