We have a website with a members only content in the form of a forum.
I have already created the RSS feed and I can see that when I load the feed URL in a web browser that it is working. The problem is that I can only see it when I am logged into the website itself, and therefore when I load it into my web based reader, or Microsoft Outlooks RSS feed; that it can not see any posts.
The views screenshot I used is below:
Does the fact that a user needs to be logged into the website to view the content prevent me from doing this?
EDIT: I have been editing drupal/modules/system/system.api.php to include suggestions below including changing 'forum/%forum_forum' for the explicit 'forum/rss.xml' - it loads the xml but with no content when I am not logged into the website itself.
EDIT 24/09: After a bit of a break I have come back to this one for a fresh look.
I installed Custom Menu Permissions as advised, found the forums/rss.xml and forums/%forums_forum/rss.xml and allocated them to a custom permission which I then allowed for both Anonymous and Authenticated users.
I flushed all the caches and tries while logged off. Still nothing.
I can see the rss feed still while logged in, so I know it is there. That would discount anything stopping it being produced.
I also ensured that I had removed my custom hook_alter code as suggested below to ensure there were no conflicts.
Any further assistance to the right direction would be appreciated....