In drupal 8 when creating a view for taxonomy terms and add a field I enabled

Link to the Taxonomy term

option. The pathauto module is enabled so it gives following link:

<a href="/site/taxonomy/taxonomy-term" hreflang="en">Taxonomy Term</a>

But I want something like this:

<a href="/site/taxonomy/taxonomy-term" hreflang="en">Read More</a>

I have created a twig file views-view-field--my-region--name.html.twig as following:

{{ output -}}

I cannot go into more deeper with this setup. Can you help me to change the anchor text OR just get the taxonomy term url?

1 Answer 1


In your view just add the field 'Taxonomy term: Link to Taxonomy term' and change the 'Text to display' to Read more.

  • Thanks, this worked. Do you know the default machine name for this field? Commented Jul 17, 2017 at 4:20

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