I'm implementing a cron job that should send a notification email to all users that meet a certain criterion.
I created a Service implementing the CronInterface
and hook_cron
calls this service's run()
This queries for the users that need notification.
I want to loop over these user and send emails to them.
These emails should contain a default message and they should be greeted with their name.
The system already uses the "Drupal Symfony Mailer". Everything in the documentation seems to migrate configurations from other implmentations.
I tried implementing a Plugin extending EmailBuilderBase
id = "notification",
sub_types = { "update" = @Translation("Update") },
common_adjusters = {"email_subject", "email_body"},
My expectation was that I will be able to
- add a new policy on the configuration page that belongs to this class
- provide my notification text, using a token for the user name
- send the email via
Drupal::service('email_factory')->sendTypedEmail('notification', 'update', $user);
This doesn't work. I can't create a policy matching my Builder. The dropdown menus on policy creation don't offer options for "notification" and "update" for the type and sub-type selection.
How do I create the policy that allows me to send my email via the method call above without writing a deprecated version that gets migrated?