This is my first time doing any custom module work in Drupal and need some advice. I have a django background.
I am accessing data on an external non-Drupal server to display on the Drupal site. I think I want to create a custom field type that holds the unique integer mapped to the data's ID on the external site.
1) user visits
maps to the external data source (not the drupal node)
2) module performs a kind ofget_or_create
and either gets the node that matches the unique ID or creates one
3) the user will see get a node returned to them (can handle comments, statistics, etc) that also displays the external data (which I will query via REST)
I'm basically asking for advice if this approach is tenable in Drupal and how to implement the get_or_create part of this if it is.
what I can imagine so far
First, custom module and a url handler:
function mymodule_menu() {
$items['mymodule'] = array (
'testing' => 'I am just testing',
'page callback' => 'mymodule_view',
'access callback' => TRUE,
return $items;
Then a custom view function to do the heavy lifting when user visits /mymodule/1234
function mymodule_view($data_id = 0) {
// custom REST function to get the data via the $data_id
$data = get_my_data_cleverly($data_id);
if (!$data) {
//return 404
// not sure about this part
// then return output to theme combining both node and $data
// this is an oversimplified render array output that doesn't
// work mostly because I don't understnand how Drupal does this yet
$output = array(
'node' => $node,
'data' +> $data,
return $output;
The result would be a node, with additional non-node information passed to the template.