Is there any way to generate Drupal commerce coupon code bulky? I found commerce_coupon_batch module but it require Commerce_coupon_ui module that there is not exist in sub module of commerce_coupon version 7.x-2.0-beta1.

I don't try anything yet, How can I generate coupon code bulky? I look at db and found there is a table for coupon ,commerce_coupon is just sufficient to add record to this table programmatically?

I try below code to create one coupon , but nothing added to coupon list in admin/commerce/coupons :

    $record['commerce_discount_reference']['und']['0']['target_id'] =$type_id;
            'condition_settings' =>Array( 'max_usage'=> 1),
            'remove_condition'=> 'Remove',);

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


I think your code is good but you forget save entity .I hope this get clue to you to achieve your job.

    $record['commerce_discount_reference']['und']['0']['target_id'] =$type_id;
            'condition_settings' =>Array( 'max_usage'=> 1),
            'remove_condition'=> 'Remove',);
  • tnx for your attention, yes I found my problem
    – Yuseferi
    Commented Feb 24, 2014 at 8:17

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