I need to add contact form in the front page but I don't know how. there are some modules like Contact Form On Node that inserts this form in the node page but I only want it to be in the front page. how do I can do this ?



3 Answers 3

  • You can use Contact Form Blocks module, in case if you want to use the core contact form.

  • Alternatively, you can create your contact form using Webform module which supports embedding the form in a block, which you can then display wherever you want.

  • Also, you can display your existing contact form in a custom block, writing a custom module. In that case, you need to implement 2 hooks:

    and then use the function drupal_get_form to retrieve the form for rendering. (See this for some more info)


The general solution using webform is this:

Step 1: Go to your webform and click on edit.

Step 2: Then go to the tab 'Webform'.

enter image description here

Step 3: At the top of the webform menu click on 'Form settings'.

Step 4: Go all the way to the bottom and click on 'Advanced Settings'.

enter image description here

Step 5: Make sure you click on the checkbox that says 'Available as block'.

Step 6: Go to /admin/structure/block. You can either hover over the 'Configure' link or click on the click to see the block id. It will look something like this 'client-block-341'.

enter image description here

Step 7: Use this snippet code to put into the template file you want to output the webform.

    $block = module_invoke('webform', 'block_view', 'client-block-341');
    print render($block['content']); 

This is the source of this solution.


First you have to install contact module inbuilt in drupal 7.

You Need to follow this refference link to install contact module:




Now you have to create one either block or node to showing contact form.

contact form to a node,

  1. Open template.php in your theme folder and add the following code. Replace [THEME NAME] with the name of your theme. Replace the value of $nid with the actual ID of your node.

     * Implements preprocess_node().
    function [THEME NAME]_preprocess_node(&$vars) {
      // Print contact form on contact page.
      $nid = 7;
      if ($vars['node']->nid == $nid && module_exists('contact')) {
        module_load_include('inc', 'contact', 'contact.pages');
        $contact_form = drupal_get_form('contact_site_form');
        $vars['contact_form'] = render($contact_form);
  2. Open node.tpl.php in your theme folder (if you don't have it, copy it from your base theme or from modules/node). Add the following code to the spot where you would like the contact form to appear.

    if (!empty($contact_form)) {
      print $contact_form;
  3. Clear all caches.

==== OR ====

contact form to a block

1). Open template.php in your theme folder and add the following code. Replace [THEME NAME] with the name of your theme. Replace the value of $module and $delta with the actual string values.

Hint: To locate these values go to admin/structure/block and click on the "configure" link next to the block you want to print. The strings will be shown in the URL as such: admin/structure/block/manage/[module]/[delta]/configure.

     * Implements preprocess_block().
    function [THEME NAME]_preprocess_block(&$vars) {
      // Preprocess the Contact form block. 
      $module = 'block';
      $delta = 3;
      if ($vars['block']->module == $module && $vars['block']->delta == $delta) {
        module_load_include('inc', 'contact', 'contact.pages');
        $contact_form = drupal_get_form('contact_site_form');
        $vars['content'] = render($contact_form);

2). Clear all caches.

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