I am trying to render a simple PHP array witch isn't a drupal render array, basicly it s something like this:

    'Some Index:',
    ' Some value',
    'Some Index:',
    'Some value',

I would like to render it as an HTML table, is there any out of the box API to do that ?

Thank all for the help,



1 Answer 1


Assume you have code similar to this:

$table_data = array(
  array( 'Some Index', 'Some value'),
  array( 'Some Index', 'Some value'),

In this case, just call theme('table', array('header' => array(), 'rows' => $table_data));.

This will call theme_table(), unless your theme overrides that particular theming function. Any override, however, should expect the array to be structured in the same way as described for theme_table(), so look there about the specifics. In particular, you might want to replace 'Some Index' with array('data' => 'Some Index', 'header' => TRUE) to indicate that this cell is a table header cell.


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