I am creating a commerce site using Drupal Commerce, there are some variations for products that I would like to inform the customers about. Theres the option of having a sticker finish that is a variation and I wanted to have a "What is this?" text field right next to the select list that then launches a colorbox/fancybox/popup that displays additional information about that variation. Something similar to this:

The Variation Box The popup that follows when the question mark is clicked

1 Answer 1


I was surprised that there wasn't a module that did this so I've created one.

It is only a sandbox project at the moment as I'm still waiting to get approved to create full projects.

Sandbox page

It can however be downloaded from here. You will then need to extract the .tar.gz to a .tar, and then extract that to a folder called "2240445-cbcb2b4" and then rename that folder to field_info_popup (Phew!).

I've tested it with all the core field types and seems to work fine but if you do find any bugs then they can be posted here.

  • Wow thats awesome! Thank you so much! I will let you know if any bugs pop up Commented Apr 15, 2014 at 4:14

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