I am trying to create a special template page for a group of pages by following Creating a page.tpl.php template for a group of pages (Drupal 7)

I created a page--sales.tpl.php file

<div id="page-wrapper">
  <div id="page">

    <?php if (isset($page['header'])) : ?>
      <?php print render($page['header']); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if ($breadcrumb): ?>
      <div id="breadcrumb"><?php print $breadcrumb; ?></div>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <div id="main-wrapper">
      <div id="main" class="clearfix">
        <?php if (isset($page['content'])): ?>
          <?php print render($page['content']); ?>
        <?php endif; ?>

    <div id="footer">
      <div class="section">
        <?php if (isset($page['footer'])): ?>
          <?php print render($page['footer']); ?>
        <?php endif; ?>

And my content template looks like

      <th><h3> <?php print t('Sale Order ID') ?></h3></th>
      <th><h3> <?php print t('Date | Time') ?> </h3></th>
      <th><h3> <?php print t('Download File') ?> </h3></th>
    <?php foreach ($sale_orders as $sale_order): ?>
        <td> <?php print $sale_order['sale_order_id'] ?> </td>
        <td> <?php print $sale_order['sale_order_date'] ?> </td>
        <td> <a href="<?php print $GLOBALS['base_url'] . '/sales/download/' . $sale_order['account_download_id']; ?>">
            <?php print $sale_order['file_name'] ?> </a>
    <?php endforeach; ?>

I assumed that the sidebar won't show, because in page--sales.tpl.php does not render $page['sidebar_first']. But I found that as soon as I render $page['content'], I will get the side bar contents as well.

I think my problem is not understanding how $page['content'] is generated. Do other parts such as breadcrumb and sidebar get "embedded" into $page['content'] before the the page--sales.tpl.php file get processed?

Thanks for your help.

  • 1
    It sounds like your sidebars are in the content region, not sidebar_first...does that sound right?
    – Clive
    Commented Apr 22, 2014 at 16:47
  • You could be right. But I am not sure how the region is generated. Can you point a link that explains such concept?
    – Wei Ma
    Commented Apr 22, 2014 at 16:54
  • This explains it quite well...
    – Clive
    Commented Apr 22, 2014 at 16:56
  • Thanks. I check my site admin setting. And the side bar is actually in sidebar_first region.
    – Wei Ma
    Commented Apr 22, 2014 at 17:00


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