I'm trying to connect to another database (not related to drupal) in drupal to show extra info. This database server could be down and is not a problem, if it's the case I don't want to show the info with no errors, maybe an info message that is now available at this moment.
I setted up the settings.php correctly with the database credentials, and when the database is up, everything is ok.
I use the next code
$query = db_select('extra_info', 'i');
If the database is down, the db_select() fails and throws an PDOException. The problem is the website is down in that case, shows the error and so on. I tryed to sorround it in a try catch.
try {
$query = db_select('extra_info', 'i');
catch (PDOException $e) {
// Ok.. is not a problem
I don't know if there is a way to check if the database connection is ok first and then do the select or do nothing if is there is a problem and continue showing the website. I tried the isActiveConnection() function, but I think is not what I need.
EDIT: The solution to my problem is to use db_set_active() back to default.
try {
$query = db_select('extra_info', 'i');
db_set_active(); // This won't be executed!
catch (PDOException $e) {
// Ok.. is not a problem
db_set_active(); // Needed!