I'm using drupal 7.29 . I'm trying to write the preprocess function for a specific view named front-page. I have written the following functions in my template.php file:

function bartik_sub_preprocess_views_view__front_page(&$variables) {


The function for preprocessing view works normally (without the __front_page at the end), but the above function isn't being called. I did create the corresponding .tpl.php (views-view--front-page.tpl.php) file which is used but the function still isn't being called. I watched a couple of tutorials where the preprocessing function for a specific view was written like this and it worked, any ideas why this isn't working?

2 Answers 2


you have to implement hook_theme function to make views aware of your custom preprocess theme function. You can find a tutorial on this here: http://www.appnovation.com/blog/theming-view-within-your-module


I have been trying for a couple of days and this solution is not working. The function

function bartik_sub_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) {

isn't being called. In a tutorial I watched (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Cfc11_sb5M) the guy just defines the preprocessing function and that is it. Even the Devel modul is suggesting

theme_hook_suggestion (String, 22 characters ) views_view__front_page

I really don't know what I am doing wrong. Any idea?

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