I have some OG groups in my site. Each group is an online classroom.
The membership has a few fields (I use the default membership), and one of those fields is a select field with "approved" or "not approved" information about each student's final exam.
I would like to use rules to send an email to each student that change that OG membership field status to "approved". I want this workflow only for users of "exchange-student" role.
But I cannot do that because it seems that I didn't fetched the OG membership. I don't know what I'm doing wrong here.
This is my Rule:
After updating an existing og membership
Entity exists by property (Parameter: Entity type: OG membership, Property: Exam, Value: Approved)
User has Role (Parameter: User: [site:current-user], Roles: exchange-student)
Action: Send a message (Parameter: Receptáculo: [site:current-user], Private message author: [site:current-user], Private message subject: Aprobaste, Private message body: Mensaje de Prueba)
What am I doing wrong? What am I missing?
Thanks for your help.