I'd like to clear the managed file field each time the contents are sent off for further processing on submit.
The callbacks work fine, but I have repeatedly come unstuck in my goal of having a "fresh" form everytime I need to submit a new image.
The form is defined thus:
function mymodule_form($form, &$form_state) {
$form['Input type'] = array(
'#title'=>'Upload your image'
$form['Input type']['file'] = array(
//file left in non-permanent state for testing purposes
'#type' => 'managed_file',
'#title'=> t('Upload image'),
'#description' => t('Choose an image to upload. Format must be gif, png, jpg, and may not exceed 2MB in size. Press Submit to confirm your selection.'),
'#upload_validators' => array(
'file_validate_extensions' > array('gif png jpg jpeg'),
$form['Input type']['submit'] = array(
'#value' =>t('Submit'),
'#ajax' => array(
'callback'=> 'mymodule_update_image_callback',
return $form;
function mymodule_update_image_callback($form,&$form_state) {
$picture_settings = array(
'image' => file_create_url($form['Input type']['file']['#file']->uri)
drupal_add_js(array('mymodule' => $picture_settings),'setting');
function mymodule_clear_image_submit($form,&$form_state) {
$form_state['complete form']['Input type']['file']['#file'] = NULL;
Neither the submit nor the callback functions seems to be refreshing my form. Setting the file value to NULL has not had an effect either.
I don't know what else to try. Cheers!
field to be empty after submitting.