So, I'm pretty new to drupal(7) - any help here greatly appreciated.
What I'm trying to do is use entityFieldQuery to return a list of nodes that have a given term in them.
I have a field, "field_crafts", where crafts is a term reference, and points to a specific vocabulary. I also have a 'tags' field.
If I use fieldCondition('field_tags', 'tid', $n), the entityFieldQuery works fine, and returns all nodes with the given tag.
But if I do the very same thing on field_crafts instead, it returns no results.
I've poked around in my database, and it appears that field_data_field_tags table has data in it, but the field_data_field_crafts does not. However, the field_revision_field_crafts table does. And when I load up the node in the UI, it does indeed remember which terms I have ticked in the list of checkboxes.
So, what's going on here? I imagine that if the crafts data were just to appear in the data table, the query would work fine. Why isn't it, and is there anything I can do?