I just setup pantheon for one of my websites. So far I've done the following and the site works fine:
Version Drush: 5.3 Local Dev: Ubuntu 12.04
- Git clone the repo to my local desktop
- Copy the pantheon.aliases.php file to the .drush directory at ~/home
Now when i do a drush @pan.chouse.dev pm-list I get the following error.
~/websites/pan-chouse$ drush @pan.chouse.dev pm-list Command pm-list needs a higher bootstrap level to run - you will need [error] to invoke drush from a more functional Drupal environment to run thiscommand. The drush command 'pm-list' could not be executed. [error] The directory /home/drupalpro/websites/pan-chouse does not contain a [error] valid Drupal installation
I also did a drush @pan.chouse.dev status and I get this:
~/websites/pan-chouse$ drush @pan.chouse.dev status PHP configuration : /srv/bindings/a59cd0c1631747ef8cda2b5e88fc5124/php.ini
/srv/bindings/a59cef8cda2b5e88fc5124/php.ini Drush version : 5.10.0
Drush : /srv/bindings/a59cd8cda2b5e88fc5124/drushrc.
configuration php
I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing wrong as it should technically work.
drush sa @pan.chouse.dev
say? It looks like your alias is empty.$aliases['mysite.test'] = array( 'root' => '.', 'uri' => 'test.mysite.gotpantheon.com', 'remote-host' => 'appserver.test.long-id.drush.in', 'remote-user' => 'test.long-id, 'ssh-options' => '-p 2222 -o "AddressFamily inet"',