I want to load a form through Ajax in a custom Javascript Event as it is explained in this tutorial. I receive the form, but its ajaxified behaviour is very strange.
My Javascript:
var address = $(location).attr('protocol') + '//' + $(location).attr('hostname');
var url_get_button = address + 'mymodule/get_button/';
Drupal.ajax.prototype.specifiedResponse = function() {
var ajax = this;
try {
catch (err) {
return false;
return false;
var ajax_settings = {};
ajax_settings.event = 'onload';
ajax_settings.keypress = false;
ajax_settings.prevent = false;
ajax_settings.url = url_get_button;
Drupal.ajax['get_button'] = new Drupal.ajax(
null, $(document.body), ajax_settings);
//the following is somewhere at the right js event...
My php code:
function mymodule_menu() {
$items['mymodule/get_button'] = array(
'page callback' => 'mymodule_send_button',
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
'access callback' => 'user_is_logged_in',
$items['mymodule/next_ajax'] = array(
'page callback' => 'mymodule_next',
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
'access callback' => 'user_is_logged_in',
function mymodule_get_form ($form, &$form_state) {
$form['submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Submit'),
'#ajax' => array(
'event' => 'click',
'path' => 'mymodule/next_ajax/',
'effect' => 'fade',
return $form;
function mymodule_send_button() {
$form = drupal_get_form('mymodule_get_form');
$form = ajax_pre_render_element($form);
$commands = array();
$commands[] = ajax_command_replace('#replace-this', render($form));
$commands[] = ajax_command_invoke(NULL, "some_js");
$button = array('#type' => 'ajax', '#commands' => $commands);
function mymodule_next() {
commands = array();
$commands[] = ajax_command_alert('works!');
$message = array('#type' => 'ajax', '#commands' => $commands);
function mymodule_node_view() {
drupal_add_library('system', 'drupal.ajax');
drupal_add_library('system', 'jquery.form');
Well, if Drupal.ajax['get_button'].specifiedResponse();
is called in the Javascript event, the button will be loaded, but if I click on the button, the page is reloaded with url_get_button
(which was used to request the button) instead of getting the alert window with 'works!'.
But if I add another form builder function and call this function with drupal_get_form()
within the hook_node_view() (without returning anything!!), it will work.
So I add:
function mymodule_get_another_form ($form, &$form_state) {
//I have to add the following line in order that it works
$form2['submit'] = array();
return $form2;
and change my hook_node_view() to:
function mymodule_node_view() {
drupal_add_library('system', 'drupal.ajax');
drupal_add_library('system', 'jquery.form');
$form2 = drupal_get_form('mymodule_get_another_form');
//I don't return $form2...
Well, in summary: I want to request an ajaxified button through a custom Javascript event. I receive the button, but it is not ajaxified and on top the wrong url is linked. But if i call drupal_get_form()
with another 'empty' form builder function during the page load, it will work and I will get the alert message after clicking on the button.
I use Drupal 7.
Does anyone have an advice for me? Why isn't it working without the second form builder function and why does it work with it?
I would welcome every advice. Thank's a lot.