I am working on a directory for a membership organization.
I am trying to create two distinct user pages. One for the user themselves (and admins) and one for the public to view. I would like these formatted differently, not just show different fields (which I could do simply with permissions, right?). And these public pages need to include Profile2 profile data.
I have tried editing the user-profile.tpl.php
page. For example:
<div class="profile"<?php print $attributes; ?>>
<?php print render($user_profile['field_first_name']); ?>
<?php print render($user_profile['field_last_name']); ?>
...but this seems to have no effect on the user page at all, even when I clear all caches. (Perhaps because I'm using Display Suite to layout the user profile page? Does that override everything else?)
I also created a View:
Contextual Filter
- User:Uid
- Provide default value: Type = User ID from URL
- Specify validation criteria: Validator=User
- User:Profile
- Profile types (all 3 custom profile types chosen)
Path: /users/%user
But I'm still just getting the Display Suite layout. Is that doing the override?