I have Commerce and Shipping and Flat Rate installed and working correctly. Shipping is added to an Order and charged to the customer.
But when I go to display the shipping line items, e.g. in a order receipt email, they are missing.
My Rule uses this:
Order Details:
Total Price: [commerce-order:commerce_order_total]
This correctly displays each product line item, and the order total, including shipping line items, but does not display the shipping line items.
I read about a filter in the View at admin/structure/views/view/commerce_line_item_table/edit/default
and I see that it is set to only display product line items. But I don't want to mess with that View unless I know what I am doing.
Can I Add a new View display? If so, which kind (Data export?) How to call that display in my Rule?
Thank you.