I have a View listing out members of staff. Each staff member belongs to a department, or sub-department. I want to list out all staff members but group them under their (sub)-department in a nested manner. For example:

# School Board
John Doe

# Teaching Staff
Jane Doe

    ## Chemistry
    Eric Betzig

    ## Physics
    Shuji Nakamura
    Isamu Akasaki

I know you can use the Group by Fields option, as described in this answer, but it doesn't allow for nesting:

# School Board
John Doe

# Teaching Staff
Jane Doe

# Chemistry // Not nested
Eric Betzig

# Physics // Not nested
Shuji Nakamura
Isamu Akasaki

2 Answers 2


I think this is more a question of styling than views itself. You could assign a class to the row output (e.g. with a replacement pattern token or something) and then style the css to show the output "nested".


I ended up using the Views Field View module.

The logic is as follows:

  1. Create a View listing out the terms (I call it the 'Tree View')

    # School Board
    # Teaching Staff
    # Chemistry
    # Physics
  2. Create a View which takes a Contextual Filter of Content: Has taxonomy term ID and display all content with this term ID. (I call this the 'Content View')

    ## Physics
        Shuji Nakamura
        Isamu Akasaki
  3. We have the building blocks, now let's combine the two Views together. In the 'Tree View', add a relationship with the Parent term (Taxonomy term: Parent term) and add (Parent) Taxonomy term: Term Name to the fields. Now go to Format > Settings and Group the result by (Parent) Taxonomy term: Term Name and check 'Use rendered output to group rows'

    # School Board
    # Teaching Staff
        ## Chemistry
        ## Physics
  4. Still in the 'Tree View', add the (Parent) Taxonomy term: Term ID and Global: View fields. In the settings, under View, select your 'Content View', and under Contextual filters, put [!tid] in order to pass the term ID to the 'Content View'. And we are good to go!

    # School Board
    John Doe
    # Teaching Staff
    Jane Doe
        ## Chemistry
        Eric Betzig
        ## Physics
        Shuji Nakamura
        Isamu Akasaki

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