This is an extension of this question:
Need help with AJAX callback function for text field validation in form_alter
I have a form with a Username autocomplete field (txn_user). The editors want to be able to enter a UID (txn_userid) as an alternative way of specifying the User for the form. They want to be able to enter the UID and skip the Username field altogether.
So in my form validation function, I want to be able to disable the required property (and all other validation) of the Username field during a Submit IF the editor typed in a UID field. In other words: the UID field should 'short-circuit' the Username field.
This is what I have so far (which doesn't work, obviously). Or do I need to do this via AJAX or straight JS?
function _validate_add_userpoints_userid(&$form, &$form_state) {
$values = $form_state['values'];
if( $values['txn_userid'] ) {
$newuser = user_load($values['txn_userid']);
if( ! $newuser) {
form_set_error('txn_userid', 'You have entered an invalid UID. Either leave this blank and select a Username or enter a valid UID');
else {
// this part works... the User Name is properly assigned.
$form['txn_user']['#value'] = $newuser->name;
$form_state['values']['txn_user'] = $newuser;
$form_state['input']['txn_user'] = $newuser->name;
// this part doesn't work... the User Name field is still required on submit.
$form['txn_user']['#disabled'] = TRUE;
$form['txn_user']['#ajax_processed'] = TRUE;
$form['txn_user']['#required'] = FALSE;
$form['txn_user']['#needs_validation'] = FALSE;