I have installed the drupal Print module, but have not been successful in getting wkhtmltopdf to work. The drupal print documentation is outdated and despite of a number of request to update it, it still is outdated. https://www.drupal.org/node/306882
CASE DESCRIPTION In my case, I want to allow the creation of pdf versions of nodes. The Nodes have inline CSS (using Tinymce editor with Wysiwyg). I tried using Dompdf library, but the inline css is not being used for the created pdf.
I have read that wkhtmltopdf creates an internal browser that renders a html page, so that should be the ideal solution in this case.
However, after downloading the rpm file from http://wkhtmltopdf.org/ into the sites/all/libraries folder of my website, and installing it using rpm -Uvh wkhtmltox- in my website, the library is not recognized, not visible in the status report page and not in the pdf configuration page /admin/config/user-interface/print/pdf