I have one cck content type and two fields in this content type
1. is First name
2. is Last name
i am trying TODO when i fill this these fields and click on save button Automatically create Forum topic with the name of first name text box value.
how it is possible ? plz help
i am using Drupal 6
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2 Answers
//Load and init the Drupal System
require_once 'includes/bootstrap.inc';
require_once 'modules/forum/forum.admin.inc';
function fourm_activities_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id)
if($form_id == 'testing_forum_node_form')
global $base_url;
// my_debug($form);
//add function to complete to at the end of array
if(arg(2) && arg(2)!= 'edit')
function fourm_activities_form_id_submit_handler($form, &$form_state)
$name = $form['nid']['#post']['field_test'][0]['value'];
$test_nid = $form_state['nid'];
global $user;
$newNode = (object) NULL;
$newNode->type = 'forum';
$newNode->title = $name;
$newNode->uid = $user->uid;
$newNode->created = strtotime("now");
$newNode->changed = strtotime("now");
$newNode->status = 1;
$newNode->comment = 0;
$newNode->promote = 0;
$newNode->moderate = 0;
$newNode->sticky = 0;
$final_nid = $newNode->nid;
$node = node_load($test_nid);
$node->field_forum_reference[0]['nid'] = $final_nid;
//$form_state['clicked_button']['#post']['field_forum_reference']['nid']['nid'] = $newNode->nid;
I don't understand what I'm seeing here. Why are you bootstrapping Drupal? Is this a stand-alone php script? In that case, it's not a real module and I don't see how your form_alter implementation could work like this. You may want to read some pages from the Module Developers Guide. Commented Nov 20, 2011 at 20:06