I have 2 content type

1-Parent Product
Fabric Type
Product Type
Product Description

2-Child Product
ParentProduct (Node Reference to Parent Product Content Type)
Fabric Type
Product Type
Product Description
Product Code
Product Size
Product Color

Here is the use case.
1-I Create all my Parent Product

2-I Create a child
The first field I need to filled is ParentProduct (Node Reference)
By choosing the ParentProduct, I would like this parent act as the default value for Title, Fabric Type, Product Type and Product description of this child.
Is there any module that could help me for that?

Thanks a lot

1 Answer 1


Using Entityreference prepopulate and Entityreference prepopulate token

Once installed, you will need to create a link for the Child on the Parent page's template that includes tokens for the fields you want prepopulated. The answer here shows how to string multiple values together.

If it needs use a Node Reference rather than an Entity Reference, then Node Reference URL Widget and Prepopluate will do approximately the same thing.

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