I have found this awesome jQuery Timelinr that I have customized for my Drupal site but am now at a loss at how to insert it. It is only going to be on one page. Does it need to be in a block? Do I have to make a custom module? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

3 Answers 3


There are many ways to do it. Easy one is to add it on your theme's .info file: scripts[] = js/your_jquery_plugin.js But then its everywhere.

You can add it in a block. Check that your text-filter is set to PHP (May need to be active in the modules: PHP filter). Then add drupal_add_js()

  • Thank you so much for your reply! I went ahead and used the drupal_add_js() in a page as suggested above. I am still having trouble with the formatting of the function. How do I drupalize it? $(function(){ $().timelinr({ orientation: 'vertical', issuesSpeed: 300, datesSpeed: 100, issuesSpeed: 500, arrowKeys: 'true', startAt: 3 }) });
    – Steph
    Commented Dec 2, 2011 at 4:49
  • your $().timelinr(){}; lacks where it should be applied. $("#IDsomething").timelinr(){} ps: you can upvote the answers you like. Arrow up. Commented Dec 2, 2011 at 8:46
  • Sorry I have been MIA. It's finals week. That bit of code above works without anything on a regular page, just not in drupal. I tried putting the timeline div name (as that is where it should be applied) but that still does not work. The jquery is loading and I put all the necessary markup in the body but it is still a no go. Anything else you could suggest?
    – Steph
    Commented Dec 8, 2011 at 20:41

If it's only o one page you can also create a plane new page set the text filter to PHP and add the drupal_add_js() code.

See here for some hints about integrating custom jQuery code into Drupal.

  • Thanks for your help! I used your suggestion but am still having trouble formatting the function (see below). Let me know if you have any ideas on that. Thanks!
    – Steph
    Commented Dec 2, 2011 at 4:53

Did you resolve it meanwhile? If not, I suppose it is because of jquery-version conflicts. The Drupal built-in version is NOT new enough for this script; even the jQuery Update module does not bring the newest version. I had the same problem when trying to implement another jQuery script. I resolved it by removing the built-in jQuery and adding the new one. I did that in the page template. I know, it is not recommended.

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