I've been reading through a ton of Drupal 7 theming docs but can't seem to find my answer.
Here's what I'm trying to do. I have two content types article
and feature
Nodes of both content types are displayed on my /blog page via the Views module. All working great so far.
When the node of type article
is listed, it uses the node--article.tpl.php template, and when a node of type feature
is listed on the blog listing page, is uses node--feature.tpl.php.
This is all as expected, BUT for feature
types, I want to display the node--article.tpl.php template only on the /blog page, and use node--feature.tpl.php (the default) for that type otherwise.
In other words, I'd like to keep the templates separate, but use the same template for both article
and feature
types on the blog listing page (node--article.tpl.php).
Is there way to create a node-page-specific template file (use this template for this node ONLY if on this page)?