Actually in hook nodeapi(op:presave) I'm setting my own custom title so I want to hide the title field from the node edit form.

It does not work if I use automatic nodetitle module since it is also changing the title.

What is the best way to hide the title without using automatic nodetitle module?

1 Answer 1


Use hook_form_alter and unset($form['title']) in a custom module (since the node create / edit form will usually be displayed in your admin theme this will be a better approach than adding the function to your themes template.php file.

So create a module with a basic mymodule.info file.

Create a mymodule.module file and add:

function mymodule_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {

   if ($form_id == 'NODE_CONTENT_TYPE_node_form') {


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