I have upgraded Drupal 6 to latest version 6.36 and PHP to 5.6. I am getting Fatal error saying;

Unsupported operand type while accessing admin/content/node.

Which is actually nothing but simple addition of an array to variable;

$elements += array('#title' => NULL, '#description' => NULL);

Any help?

  • 2
    The $elements variable probably contains an array element that the key does not start with a hash sign and the value is scalar.
    – AKS
    Commented Aug 12, 2015 at 11:00
  • Why haven't you read Drupal's system requirements page before doing it? I used to be like that, too. "Read instructions... when all else fails". It's pretty stupid thing in the long run, trust me.
    – Mołot
    Commented Aug 12, 2015 at 20:52

1 Answer 1


From official system requirements:

PHP 5.3.x and higher may produce errors or unexpected behavior

Thus, sadly, what you are seeing is pretty much "expected" unexpected behaviour. Drop back to PHP 5.2.x (x ≥ 5) or upgrade to Drupal 7 or 8 for a full fix.

If you want to only fix this one, consider what AyeshK wrote in comment:

The $elements variable probably contains an array element that the key does not start with a hash sign and the value is scalar.

There is a lot of things about array operators. Comments under PHP documentation shows that many things are far from obvious. Also, it changed a bit from version to version. Have you tested if $elements is an array in the first place? "Simply" add tests to make sure if operand is still valid, and provide a fallback if it isn't (recreate original behaviour) and you will be good to go.

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