We want to create some logic using JS that creates a cookie and set the node's taxonomy term id (preferred) or taxonomy term name as the cookie value. Then we want to use the cookie value to filter a View so that when a user visits a page, the view that is shown is filter based on the cookie value.
How can I pass a cookie value into the View?
/******************** Update - 9/23/2015 **************************/
I ended up using a mixture of a list block, javascript, and a custom module that on full node view, the taxonomy term id is stored into the browser's locale storage. I am no longer using a filter view based on cookie. Also, the custom module stores the taxonomy term ids into the block.
print views_embed_view('my_view_name', 'block_1', $termIDcookie);
You would then need to figure out how to pass a cookie for $termIDcookie in PHP