Drupal login form allows users to enter their username or email to login into the site.

I need to achieve the same thing with services. But services allows users to login with username (not working with email).

JSON format for User Login (works).

{"username":'myusername', "password":"mypassword"}

But how can we do login using "email" as username? I've tried the following JSON formats


{"username":'[email protected]', "password":"mypassword"}


["Wrong username or password."]


{"mail":'[email protected]', "password":"mypassword"}


["Missing required argument username"]

According to this link, I need to tweak the services modules to achieve this requirement.

Is there any way to achieve this?

  • 1
    Short answer: yes, just write a custom service resource which uses logintoboggan's authentication method rather than core's, and use that to login/get session ids/etc from your client app.
    – Clive
    Commented Dec 2, 2015 at 13:51

2 Answers 2


You can do this in a custom module:

 * Implements hook_services_resources_alter().
function my_module_services_resources_alter(&$resources, &$endpoint) {
  // Override the normal user login callback.
  if (isset($resources['user']['actions']['login']['callback'])) {
    $resources['user']['actions']['login']['callback'] = 'my_module_services_login';

 * Replacement callback for the Services user login resource. Optionally use the email address to login.
 * @see _user_resource_login().        
 * @see https://drupal.org/node/1431724
function my_module_services_login($username, $password) {
  $result = db_query(
    "SELECT name FROM {users} WHERE LOWER(mail) = LOWER(:username)",
    array(':username' => $username)
  if (!empty($result->name)) { $username = $result->name; }
  return _user_resource_login($username, $password);

Using this technique, you don't need to patch the Services module.

This solution is borrowed from DrupalGap:



For time-being I've added my own patch in my services module.

In the user_resource.inc file, added the following line of code in the _user_resource_login function, just before the call to user_authenticate

if (valid_email_address($username)) { 
$username = db_query("SELECT name FROM {users} WHERE mail = :mail",array(':mail' => $username))->fetchField();

I've tested both following formats to login the user, working great.


{"username":"[email protected]","password":"mypassword"}

I'll try to post @Clives suggestion (from comments) as my answer once I get some time :)

I hope this helps for someone who looks to add their own patch to their services module

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