I am using drupal 7 and would like to customise my login form block.
function theme_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
if ($form_id == "user_login_block") { $form['links'] = Null; // Remove Request New Password and other links from Block form //$form['links']['#markup'] = t('Forgotten Password?') . ' ' . t('Forgotten Password?') . ''; // Remove Request New Password from Block form //$form['links']['#markup'] = ' ' . t('Register') . '' . ' ' . t('Forgotten Password?') . ''; // Remove Request New Password from Block form
$form['#prefix'] = '<div class="nano-ui">';
$form['#suffix'] = '</div>';
$form['name']['#attributes']['class'][]= array("nui-input");
$form['name']['#title'] = Null; // Change text on form
$form['name']['#attributes'] = array('placeholder' => t('username'));
$form['pass']['#title'] = Null;
$form['pass']['#attributes'] = array('placeholder' => t('password'));
In the above code the following line does not seem to have any effect on my field :
$form['name']['#attributes']['class'][]= array("nui-input");