I'm customizing the main menu using the Menu Block Module. I need to set a class for all li elements that has children regardless of level. I might need to add a span inside the a-tags as well. Is it possible to do this in the template.php or do I need to alter module files. I would preffere not to edit module files if possible.


<li class="expanded menu-mlid-871 has-children">
   <a href="...">Menu item name<span class="test"></span></a>
   <ul> <!-- (children items) --> <ul>

Is this doable with some:

function theme_menu_link(array $variables) { ...?... }


Menu items with no children has the class="leaf". It should be possible to style the menu items li (has children) and then cancel the rule-set for the class li.leaf (has no children). The span can be added by using some li::after rule-set and removed with eg li.leaf::after {display:none;}

In this way it can be solved with CSS only. The problem is I need to use the <span class="test"></span> for a click event. So at least I need a real span inside the li a witch is not a "leaf".

Anyone who can help me with a theme functions for this?

1 Answer 1


Menu items with no children has the class="leaf". It is possible to style the menu items li (has children) and then cancel the rule-set for the class li.leaf (has no children).

A span can be added to all li's (set to display:none for leafs). How do I insert a <span> </span> tag inside the <a> </a> tag on my main menu

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