I want to display the Node Reference Select List (usually a long list of nodes, unordered and generally quite long) as an ordered bunch of nodes, that replicate the structure of the menu system.
The whole idea, is for a user to be able to choose another Node, but as there are so many nodes already on the website - it can be difficult to find the correct one in the select list. I have attached a screenshot to show a random example of how I would like this to look. This is just a quick mock-up image that I hope can be achievable.
The new "menu style" select list makes it easier to find the particular nodes you want, as they mirror the menu system of the website.
I looked into using Views to replicate the structure of the menu in Drupal, but this doesn't seem possible either. If this was possible, I could simple use the "Advanced - nodes that can be referenced" and just list out the pages by the menu with the order - but it doesn't look possible to integrate Views and the drupal menu system.
Any help would be excellent with this. Thanks, Garry.