I have a Drupal project in the final stages of development. It has quite a lot of content types and a lot of fields. I have recently enabled revisions and added the diff module (7.x-3.2). It isn't tracking changes on my existing fields. When I choose 'compare' it shows 'No visible changes' and the current revision area only shows the new fields.
If I add a new field diff starts working on it. If I remove a field and re-add it diff starts working on the new version of the field. Any idea why this is happening? Are there any ways I can get diff working on all my fields without removing an re-adding all of them?
I tried editing and saving a field without making any changes to it, but this did not make diff tracking start working on it. I have looked in the DB and both a field being tracked and a field that isn't being tracked have a revision_id.
I have tested in a sandbox server and the diff module works as expected. Therefore it must be a conflict or a bug that is being triggered by my install.