I need to page redirect after the VBO operation.
The page redirects is inside a rule component that I have created for a new operation in VBO. This is the my new operation in my VBO:
I have marked force redirect. And it doesn't work too. I tested installing rules debug, to see if rules was executed, and it shows as executed, but it doesn't redirect to cart. What could I check on this issue?
The debug is showing, skipping page redirect during the batching process, see it please.
How could I add a rule for page redirect, just after the batch process of my VBO operation? This could works.
Note: Not very relevant but
Here is the export of the rule:
{ "rules_vbo_add_to_cart" :
"LABEL" : "A\u00f1adir las fotos seleccionadas al carrito",
"PLUGIN" : "action set",
"OWNER" : "rules",
"REQUIRES" : [ "commerce_cart", "rules" ],
"USES VARIABLES" : { "commerce_product" : { "label" : "Commerce product", "type" : "commerce_product" } },
{ "commerce_cart_product_add_by_sku" : {
"USING" : {
"user" : [ "site:current-user" ],
"sku" : [ "commerce-product:sku" ],
"quantity" : "1",
"combine" : "1"
"PROVIDE" : { "product_add_line_item" : { "product_add_line_item" : "Added product line item" } }
{ "redirect" : { "url" : "\/cart" } }