I just tried to setup the RefreshLess module for my Drupal 8 site; after enabling it, I just see that some meta information is added to the DOM, but switching pages using links seems not to be effected in any way.

As written in the README file, I applied the patch to core.

How can I debug this?

PS: The refreshless.js file is not even loaded.


1 Answer 1


I was wondering the same and maybe this code is related:

function refreshless_page_attachments(array &$page) {
  $request = \Drupal::request();

  // Refreshless is only sensible when there is an actual session (otherwise the
  // entire page can be cached by the page_cache module, and be sent more
  // quickly than Refreshless could).
  // @see \Drupal\big_pipe\Render\Placeholder\BigPipeStrategy.
  $session_exists = \Drupal::service('session_configuration')->hasSession($request);

  $page['#cache']['contexts'][] = 'session.exists';
  if ($session_exists) {
    $page['#attached']['library'][] = 'refreshless/refreshless';

It could be that for anonymous user the library is not loaded at all(check the comments in the function).

However I am not 100% sure.

Update: if you log in, you can see that refreshless.js is loaded.

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