Out of nowhere without any changes to the view or the views data I suddenly started receiving this error:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in views_handler_filter->prepare_filter_select_options() (line 1104 of /var/www/site/public_html/profiles/commerce_kickstart/modules/contrib/views/handlers/views_handler_filter.inc).
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in _form_options_flatten() (line 2684 of /var/www/site/public_html/includes/form.inc).
An illegal choice has been detected. Please contact the site administrator.
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in form_select_options() (line 2836 of /var/www/site/public_html/includes/form.inc).
The view has an exposed filter and the view is unusable until cache is cleared, then after some time it "blows up" again.
Prior to this starting happening I created a custom module page which creates a JSON structure with db queries and caches it. Can this be a caching issue or can cache run out?
I have services nodes, and those services nodes have a taxonomy reference field_service_locations. The view that breaks displays the nodes and has an exposed filter for choosing the service location (based on the same field_service_locations)
In the log I see another error message happening right before this:
Illegal choice 12 in field_service_locations element.
This error is from one of the services page, however the term with id 12 is a location term, and exists.
However the select list displays no values and also when editing the views filter, it doesn't have values until cache clear.
Further down the road
I have been trying to pinpoint the issue further, what makes it more difficult is that I don't know exactly how to replicate it, as it just happens after a period of time.
I have pinpointed the cache to clear, that resolves the issue is "class registry" or "page and else" - not sure yet what to do with this information.
With the help from Shawn Conn I've been able to further pinpoint the issue that the $options variable received by prepare_filter_select_options() is FALSE instead of an array.
I'm not sure if my custom module that caches data could be the culprit (testing it will take some time as I'll have no other option than to disable the module caching part and wait to see if the issue rises again or not), it's however implemented as follows:
function custom_module_json_output_menu()
$items = array();
$items['services/%/json'] = array(
'access callback' => true, // available to all
'page callback' => '_services_json_object', // defined below
'page arguments' => array(1),
'delivery callback' => 'drupal_json_output'
return $items;
function _services_json_object($service_type) {
$cache_id = "services_json_".$service_type;
$response = cache_get($cache_id, 'cache');
if (empty($response)) {
$response = array();
$service = taxonomy_term_load($service_type);
if ($service->vocabulary_machine_name == 'product_category') {
// populate $response...
cache_set($cache_id, $response, 'cache', CACHE_PERMANENT);
return $response;
I also deleted rows from the cache_bootstrap tableone-bu-one, none seemed to resolve the issue and truncating the table completely didn't resolve either. As pointed out to me, that the common table for both cache clears that seem to resolve the issue is this table I'm in the ditch again. My site does have 2 languages, and I just noticed that while on the english version this seems to hit the fence, the german one is ok.
Disabling the caching on my custom module does not seem to be the issue, as the error happened again.
Problem still unsolved and I'm out of places to debug in the database. What could possibly cause a views select options exposed filter to suddenly no longer have options..? It's not the cron, and this happens even overnight when there's no activity (all this is in a dev only accessible environment)
I seem to be able to reproduce this by runing cron a couple of times, not sure what that means.
Yes, it's definately cron, and after running cron I get no errors. Even though clearing class registry through the admin menu "flush cache -> class registry" works, invoking registry_update() does not resolve the issue. Neither does registry_rebuild() which seems to be the function "class registry" clear invokes, which in turn invokes registry_update() and system_rebuild_module_data(). Or is calling any of those fron drush ev not supposed to work?
As it seems to me, the class registry clear also invokes clear all cashe, as there's no break after the cache. This may be why "drush cc all" also seems to resolve the problem, so I'm afraid I just got further from the cause of this issue.
cache_clear_all('*', 'cache_views', TRUE) seemed to be the one that solves the issue, and makes running cron no longer cause the issue. However flushing all caches, makes cron cause the issue again.
Again, this error is resolved with cache clear, but only cache clear. This view is my front page view :(