I am using Signup and Views in Drupal 6 (I can't install Drupal 7), and I created a view that lists all the nodes for which users can signup.
Now I want to enable users to signup for one of these nodes without forcing them to navigate to the node itself, and I need to expose the signup form though Views (perhaps using a PHP field). I've searched for this, but most of the comments are a few years old. Furthermore, I'm rather unfamiliar with PHP.

Can I expose the signup form through views 2? How can I do it?

2 Answers 2


This is currently a feature request for the Signup module (originally submitted to that module's issue queue 3 days before this StackExchange post). For the latest progress on this feature, see the issue: http://drupal.org/node/1118448 .


Theoretically, it can be done with Views Embed Form.

I couldn't get the form to display, due to permissions errors despite not having any access constraints (like vermo, although they somehow got it to work).
Documentation is at http://drupal.org/node/329511.

My basic module contains the follow function.

function MYMODULE_views_embed_form() {
  return array(
    'signup_form' => t('Signup form')
  • Same problem, I manage to get the an error there, but have no clue how to solve the permissions error... Anyone?
    – ate_f
    Commented Apr 10, 2011 at 10:33

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