I am experiencing a problem with the Captcha module 7.x-1.3 version (under Drupal 7.39)
- I don't use webforms
- My form is a simple Contact form
- My form does not contain any AJAX field
- My form does not contain any file or image upload system
- I configured the captcha Module, giving the good name for the form
- form_id : xxxxxx_contact_form
- Challenge type : Image (from module image_captcha)
- In the Configuration (admin/config/development/performance)
- The page cache for anonymous users is unchecked = NOT ACTIVATED
- The cache for blocks is unchecked = NOT ACTIVATED
The code of the Captcha for my form is :
$form['xxxxxx_contact_captcha'] = array(
'#title' => t('Vérification'),
'#type' => 'captcha',
'#captcha_type' => 'image_captcha/Image',
When a user is connected the form submission works well without any problem BUT when NO user is connected (= anonymous session), i get the following errors :
- CAPTCHA session reuse attack detected.
- The answer you entered for the CAPTCHA was not correct.
(in french) :
- Attaque à base de réutilisation de session de CAPTCHA détectée.
- La réponse saisie pour le CAPTCHA est incorrecte.
For example, with a "TT7Zi" Captcha image, when I submit the form (in anonymous) : I get the following errors on the screen :
- CAPTCHA session reuse attack detected.
- The answer you entered for the CAPTCHA was not correct.
And in the logs (watchdog) I get two times the same entry :
Message xxxxxx_contact_form post blocked by CAPTCHA module: challenge Image (by module image_captcha), user answered "TT7Zi", but the solution was "542dda8e8d7fda2358b4b2f319ef198b".
Any solution for this issue will be really helpful. Thank you all.