I intend to create a slideshow in front page of my theme to show all images in custom directory, I try to use file_scan_directory and drupal_get_path in below codes to get any non static images path and display that images automatically without any need to calling each one of them separately:
Theme Name.theme:
function MyThemeName_preprocess_page(&$variables) {
$mask = '/\.(?:jp[e]?g|gif|png)$/i';
$files = file_scan_directory(drupal_get_path('theme', 'Theme Name') . '/assets/img/orbit', $mask);
$variables['files'] = $files;
{% for file in files %}
<img src="{{ file.uri }}" width="100%" height="100%" alt="{{ file.name }}"/>
{% endfor %}
I would be happy to hear what is the problem with the codes and what is the right way to load that slideshowe pictures?