I'm using the code I've outlined in my blog post for a custom image search, and I'm having a problem with the pager, but only on one site. The first page of results renders just fine, but when I try to go to a subsequent page, I get a white screen with JSON; the page modal window is not rendered.
Here's the relevant code where it breaks:
$form_state['values']['title'] = t('Search Results - Page !page', array('!page' => $pager + 1));
$output = ctools_modal_form_render($form_state['values'], $build);
print ajax_render($output);
What's weird is that I have this exact same code working on two different sites, and it works fine on one, but not the other. I've looked at every possible variable I can think of, and they're all the same:
- Drupal core version
- jQuery version
- module code (custom and contrib, Filefield Sources in this case)
- form output sent to ajax_render
- returned output from ajax_render
What else could I be missing that causes the JSON not to be rendered? I'm not looking for code specific info, just bigger picture items I could be missing.
UPDATE: So it looks like the problem has to do with the loading of my Drupal behaviors js file (seen at the bottom of this post. If I load it in the module .info file, the pager works fine, but if I attach it anywhere else - either to the node edit form or the ctools modal form - the pager chokes. I've inspected the page, and my js file is loaded in the page and ctools classes assigned to the pager buttons before clicking the pager, so it's not like they're not there. Unfortunately, for some reason, loading this file in the .info file causes other problems, so we can't do it globally.
But why would the method of loading the file make a difference as long as it's loaded?