I have a Drupal 7 site using the Support Ticketing System module. When viewing a ticket, the client would like the Subscribed fieldset (id="edit-subscribed") visible by default. Currently it is collapsed, and you have to click on it to expand the field.

This problem is similar to a previous post, where hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter() allowed me to expand the Subscribed field by default when the ticket was being edited.

But when viewing the ticket, the form in question is the comment-form, and I can't find the right array to target the edit-subscribed fieldset, if in fact the hook_form_alter is the right way to do this.

1 Answer 1


It proved far easier to just add a line of JQuery to the page. jQuery('#edit-subscribed').removeClass('collapsed'); added to the footer took care of it.

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