I am simply trying to autopopulate a Taxonomy Term from Content Type A into Content Type B.
An example, I'm creating a review site for Cars:
Content Type A = Car Model field: field_car_model_tag
Content Type B = Car Review field: field_car_review_tag
Assuming, Content Type A|CAR MODEL has already been created, titled "FORD MODEL".... My users will find and click a "Review Ford" link that routes them to Content Type B|CAR REVIEW, and auto-populates the Node Reference field (Node Reference URL Widget, for example, even though I'm attempting to only use Entity Reference fields).
After saving this same Content Type B|CAR REVIEW node, I would like this field, 'field_car_review_tag' to automatically populate with it's sister term from Content Type A|CAR MODEL.
In Drupal 6 Rules, I found this to be very straightforward.
I would simply "Load a referenced node, and then set a CCK field without validation", applying the token from the referenced content type. In Drupal 7, the settings are seemingly endless.
Thank you for your help!