I've seen other posts and did all the good things, I think... still not firing.
I use Commerce Kickstart 2 in Drupal 7
I want my module to be called for the hook_entity_presave event.
I followed the docs to create my custom module: call it 'Update Description' I put my new mod in sites/all/modules/update_description
I named the files and added the appropriate info
name = Update Description
description = This module populates a description field based on the selected product attributes.
core = 7.x
I see, and enabled the module in the modules list, and I cleared cache
The module looks for a type of entity, and updates it:
function update_description_hook_entity_presave($entity, $type){
$entity->changed = REQUEST_TIME;
$vari_result = "";
watchdog('update_description', 'type: ' . $entity->type, array(), WATCHDOG_DEBUG, NULL);
if($entity->type == 'my_new_content_type' && $entity->product_id && $entity->revision_id) {
// do stuff
/// watchdog the results
But I never see any log messages show up when I create or update an item of 'my_new_content_type', other than the default creation 'info' log message that happens anyway.
What do I need to do to get this my module to 'hook' into this call?