I am using Drupal 8 and trying to theme video-embed-iframe.html.twig by content type. with the current naming suggestions this is not possible.
I am using Media with video embed field containing in a field called video
This is what I did so far. in the fields template named above in the templates folder of my theme
{% if logged_in %}
<iframe{{ attributes }}{% if url is not empty %} src="{{ url }}{% if
query is not empty %}?{{ query | url_encode }}{% endif %}"{% endif
{% else %}
<div id="promotion">
<div id="promotion-image">
<div id ="promotion-bg">
<div id ="promotion-text">
<H1>Eine brilliante Überschrift</H1>
<span id="promotion-attribution">
<a href="http://somesite.com">Credit author of the background image</a></span>
{% endif %}
I have no clue how to access the field by content type to separate the code deepening if you have a content type eg page and article Any Ideas?
Is there a way to populate a global var like logged in containing the mashine name of the content type without needing a custom module. I other words is there a way to populate a var like
contenttype=anycotenttypehere in the mytheme.theme file by writing a function? to be able to display the video depending on with contetnt type has been used and if the user is logged in or not