I want to completely remove the File entitymodule from my Drupal site.

I've disabled the module via Modules in admin panal. Then I also uninstalled it though the panel. After that, I've deleted the files from ftp located under /sites/all/modules/file_entity.

I've cleared the cache. I've run the cron. I even tried /update.php but it says there's nothing to update Review updates step.

When I log into administration panel, I still see that ghost: enter image description here

I don't have any module that is dependent on File entity.

How to remove that module? I want to do so I can install the new fresh version of it which I need.

1 Answer 1


This module might live in a profile or in a directory that is not sites/all/modules. It is possible to have the same module in multiple places in Drupal at the same time.

You should open up the database, go to the system table and look for the entry for file_entity and see what the path is. That will tell you. You could also grep your codebase for "File entity" or "file_entity" which should also produce results.

If not, perhaps you are on a dev/stage environment? Did your FTP program actually delete the files? Check that there wasn't a permission issue regarding deleting that.

edit: if this is an older release of the media module, it used to ship with file_entity under media/modules/file_entity if I recall. Also check there. If that is the case, what you should do is completely upgrade the media module to the latest version, which looks like rc2 right now.

  • That was the case! The module was located under /sites/all/modules but also e.g. /sites/all/modules/media.
    – PolGraphic
    Commented Jan 17, 2017 at 13:35
  • 1
    Okay, thats what I thought. Media module used to ship with that module included, and at some point it was removed. I couldn't find that in the git history at a quick glance, so I removed that part of my answer. I will restore it.
    – Kevin
    Commented Jan 17, 2017 at 14:13

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